Leizhan Delivers Pulping Machine To Paper Mill

Foshan Wangkang Paper Mill’s choice to sign a cooperation contract with Leizhan this time reflects Foshan Wangkang’s pursuit of high-quality pulping equipment and Leizhan’s outstanding strength in the paper pulping industry.

Information On The Delivery Site Of Pulping Equipment Of Foshan Paper Mill

Order equipment: Chain conveyor, pulpers, ragger, rope cutter, slag lifting machine, low density cleaner, energy saving pressure screen, reject separator, vibrating screen, inflow pressure screen, broken pulper, agitator
Delivery equipment: Chain conveyor, pulpers, ragger, rope cutter, slag lifting machine, low density cleaner, energy saving pressure screen, reject separator, vibrating screen, inflow pressure screen, broken pulper, agitator and supporting accessories.
Delivery date: November 3, 2023

Leizhan can also provide equipment for the entire pulping line and customize the installation plan according to the customer’s paper mill. Email:paperproductmachine@gmail.com

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